
供应链责任规范(ESCP) 领袖系列网络研讨会涵盖众多与责任采购相关的主题。


Webinar: Investment and Growth Opportunities for the Toy Industry in Indonesia

Indonesia plays a significant role in the global supply chain for toys. Roughly half of the world’s toy dolls are produced there and Indonesia is home to one of the largest toy factories in the world. In this context, the government recognizes the toy industry’s potential to boost the national economy, as well as the opportunity presented by the shifting of global supply chains related to various geopolitical shifts.

Click here to view the recording to learn more from experts about the opportunities to capitalize on the Indonesian toy industry’s potential, but also to understand some of the challenges that the market may pose. It is co-organised by ATPA, APMI, and the ICTI Ethical Toy Program.

Supply Chain Diversity - Introduction to the business environment and opportunities in Vietnam

IETP, Asia Toy & Play Association (ATPA), and Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) are collaborating to host a free webinar for the toys and children’s products companies that are interested to expand their supply chains to Vietnam. We are honored to invite a senior expert from the Foreign Investment Agency (FIA) Vietnam, Vietnam & Singapore Business Council, as well as other toys and plays experts, to share thoughts and insights that would help you navigate through the business environment and opportunities there.

India Series Webinar: Spotlight on State Capability & Capacity – Tamil Nadu, Gujarat & Uttar Pradesh

IETP, ATPA and Invest India continue our collaboration which is helping companies access important information and support for doing business in India.

In this 2nd of a series of Spotlight webinars we will be focusing on the manufacturing capability and capacity of 3 states: Tamil Nadu, Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh.

Webinar with ATPA and Invest India: "Made in India" – The New Game Changer

The webinar will give you an introduction to the business environment and opportunities for toy companies in India.

We know many companies are seeking to understand both the opportunities and challenges in this region as they develop their strategies and consider expanding their sourcing in this emerging manufacturing center.

Join us to hear from regional experts and government representatives to give you an overview of the operating environment as well as a panel discussion of brand representatives from Mattel, Hasbro, The LEGO Group, Universal Toys and Sunlord sharing their first-hand experiences. (Download the Q&A)

IETP 与CCR CSR及救助儿童會联合举办网络研讨会 – 介绍供应链中儿童权利与企业的关系

在这个网络研讨会中,我们将概述企业在他们的供应链中应注意的儿童权益问题, 并会分享最佳实践和案例研究展示工厂企业在促进家庭友好及儿童权益方便的实际行动、以及分享一份最新的报告以了解新冠疫情对儿童的影响。

IETP 与SEATA联合举办网络研讨会 - 东南亚采购的机遇及支持

我们知道许多公司在制定战略并考虑在越南、印度和印度尼西亚等国扩大采购量时,都在寻求了解该地区的机遇和挑战。这个虚拟会议将为您解答一系列的问题, 如:从国家层面了解各地带来的机遇、这些地区对企业的支持、让您慨括了解当地的法规环境、踏出第一步时要注意的事项、以及新冠疫情在当地的最新情况。


深入探讨儿童权利和商业原则(CRBPs)及其对玩具行业和责任采购的适用性。 在本次网络研讨会中,ICTI玩具业责任规范 (IETP) 、救助儿童会(Save the Children) 和瑞联稚博儿童权利和企业社会责任中心(CCR CSR)探讨了CRBP跟玩具业的关系。 我们概述了玩具企业在供应链中应该注意的儿童权利问题、分享了最佳实践和研究案例、以及展示了中国玩具厂为促进家庭友好工作场所和促进儿童权利所采取的实际行动。


此网络研讨会论及廉政调查,探讨 IETP 如何侦查贿赂、不良影响及其他审核廉政问题。了解我们如何辨认高风险的供货商、分析贿赂的症结原因、并执行预防贿赂的主要方案。研讨会也会谈及我们向工厂提供的培训和支持,助他们建构有效的业务廉政体制。


独家探讨 IETP 为支持中国国内流动工人与留守儿童所设立的两个工人福祉项目。了解工人和他们的子女如何受益于这些项目,同时项目为他们工作的工厂又带来怎样的效益。


任何采购玩具的企业均应知道分包背后的社会和道德风险。了解 IETP 如何评估及监察玩具业的分包情况,并认识虚假工厂的祸患,以及我们如何揭露虚假工厂。


综合由孟买玩具展 Kids India Toy Fair 所见所闻,「了解印度市场」深入探讨印度玩具业的责任采购情况。在视频率先看我们与 BSR 在印度合作的妇女能力建设项目。


此研讨会让您更深入了解 IETP(前称ICTI “关爱” 程序)和责任采购在玩具及娱乐产品行业中发挥的重要作用。


在新的法律法规要求下,玩具企业于处理现代奴役风险时有着新的义务。了解 IETP 如何应付玩具业供应链中发生现代奴役的风险。