Considering supporting our Family Friendly Spaces program in 2019?

Sponsoring our FFS demonstrates your company’s commitment to promoting worker well-being in the toy supply chain. Funding this work is also an effective way of integrating child rights into your corporate social responsibility strategy and meeting other commitments such as those related to the UN Sustainable Development Goals and Children’s Rights and Business Principles.

Since 2016, our successful Family Friendly Spaces (FFS) have driven positive change at over 18 toy factories in China, reuniting thousands of domestic migrant workers with their left-behind children, strengthening worker well-being and delivering important benefits for participating factories. For some factories, 2018 was already the 2nd or 3rd year of running FFS!This year, we want to work with the toy industry to extend the reach of our FFS program so can benefit thousands more workers and their and children whilst strengthening resilience and building capability at toy factories.Sponsoring our FFS demonstrates your company’s commitment to promoting worker well-being in the toy supply chain. Funding this work is also an effective way of integrating child rights into your corporate social responsibility strategy and meeting other commitments such as those related to the UN Sustainable Development Goals and Children’s Rights and Business Principles.We encourage all toy brands and factories who are interested in setting up FFS in 2019 to contact us this month or early in March so we can discuss opportunities for you to support this years’ program with you.While FFS has so far focussed on factories in China, the Ethical Toy Program is also exploring opportunities to deliver family friendly work places and strengthen women’s empowerment in Vietnam and India. Click here to contact us and register your interest.