Reminder for factories in China: update your Worker Helpline cards and Posters

Since March 2018 we have been informing factories in mainland China that the old number of the IETP Worker Helpline will expire in November 2018, and that we now have a new number in operation which is 4001-583580.

Since March 2018 we have been informing factories in mainland China that the old number of the IETP Worker Helpline will expire in November 2018, and that we now have a new number in operation which is 4001-583580. Throughout the year, via social media posts, emails, and website notices we have been encouraging factories in mainland China to gradually change to new cards and posters in time to avoid violating IETP requirements. Now we are issuing a final reminder for factories in mainland China as the new requirements will soon be coming into effect. Please check immediately if the helpline cards and posters you are using have been updated. If factories in mainland China do not have the up-to-date cards in place by the end of February 2019 they will be in violation of our requirements.To ensure you have the up-to-date cards and posters please check for the following:The helpline number is 4001-583580 There is the new IETP logo on the top instead of the old ICTI CARE logo.This only applies to factories in mainland China where our Worker Helpline is in operation.We are delighted that this year we took our Worker Helpline in house and we are continuing to increase the level of support we provide to workers.Download in English or ChineseDownload in English or ChineseFrequently asked questions: 1) Does your factory need to replace all the cards and posters immediately? Will it be an audit non-compliance? From November 1st, the phone number on the old card has not been accessible. To give factories time to roll out the new cards and posters with the new number, we have extended the implementation period of the new helpline cards and posters. Factories now have to complete the update by the end of February 2019.If the factory still holds the old card or poster between November 2018 and February 2019, it will not be considered as a non-compliance in principle, but the auditor will remind the factory to replace it. If you still have the old new card or poster after March 2019, it will become a Minor non-compliance in violation of checkpoint number 10.4.1. 2) How can you get new cards and posters for your factory? a) You can download and print new cards and posters on the IETP website (click here to download) or b) If you would like to order a printed set from IETP you can order in packages of 500 cards and 5 posters for HK $100. Please email your Factory ID number and the required order quantity to Our team will be in touch to confirm the order with you by email and assist you in arranging payment and collection methods.If you have any questions about the Worker Helpline or about the card and poster, please feel free to contact us at