Introducing the Ethical Toy Program

As well as a new name, we will unveil the next generation of our Ethical Toy Program with an updated mission and strategy, a new membership model and a brand-new look and feel to deliver these exciting changes.

NEW NAME. NEW LOOK. NEW MISSION. NEW STRATEGY.Coming January 2018The responsible sourcing landscape is changing. To meet a new set of challenges and opportunities, we’re changing too.In January 2018, we will become the Ethical Toy Program.As well as a new name, we will unveil the next generation of our Ethical Toy Program with an updated mission and strategy, a new membership model and a brand-new look and feel to deliver these exciting changes.Working across the toy industry to improve standards at toy factories for workers has always been central to our program. Our updated mission embodies this and recognizes the role of the toy industry in driving standards for workers. Building better lives for workers and a stronger industry through the ethical production of toysGet ready for the future of responsible toy sourcing. Coming January 2018.What's happening?From January 2018, the ICTI CARE Process will be changed to ICTI Ethical Toy Program.As well as a new name, we will unveil the next generation of our Ethical Toy Program with an updated mission and strategy, a new membership model and a brand-new look and feel to deliver these exciting changes.We’re investing to deliver enhancements and updates to our certification and audit program, a new membership model to deepen our engagement with brands, increased training and support for factories, and more programs to engage workers and enhance their well-being. Why are we making these changes?For the last two decades, we have worked collaboratively with the toy industry to raise standards at thousands of toy factories, benefiting millions of workers.Today, the responsible sourcing landscape is changing. Toy manufacture is more globalized, toys themselves are more diversified, industry expectations are evolving, and regulation and legislation are strengthening.Our updated strategy is focussed on delivering the industry engagement, responsible sourcing tools, training and support necessary to respond to these challenges and opportunities – our new program name and refreshed branding embodies our dedication to responsible toy sourcing. Why are we changing our name and launching a new website?Working across the toy industry to improve standards at toy factories for workers has always been central to our program.Delivering our updated strategy demands a refreshed brand. This has led to a change in program name, a stronger visual identity, revamped digital communications and a new mobile-friendly website.Our new name the Ethical Toy Program underscores our unique focus on responsible toy sourcing. Our new mission, ‘Building better lives for workers and a stronger industry through the ethical production of toys,’ highlights our focus on working across the toy industry to support the rights and well-being of toy factory workers. When will this happen?The refreshed branding, including new name and new website, will be rolled out from January 2018. Our new membership model for brands and retailers will be available from January 2018. Work to update our Audit Checklist and Star Ratings is ongoing and will be launched in Summer 2018. How will this affect the status of my Factory Certification?The Audit Process and Certification Status will not change as part of our refreshed branding. However, you will notice a new look to Audit Reports and Seals of Compliance issued from January 2018. All current Seals of Compliance will remain valid. Your Seal will be updated to our new branding following your next audit cycle.