Factory Announcement: Data collection on Foreign Migrant Workers

International legislation and global initiatives on Modern Day Slavery require toy brands and retailers to make efforts to ensure their supply chains are free from all forms of Modern Day Slavery, including forced labor, slavery, and human trafficking.

What’s happening?As the leading ethical supply chain program for the global toy industry, the Ethical Toy Program regularly reviews our program to reflect changes in legislation and respond to the requirements of the toy brands and major retailers which source from your factory. International legislation and global initiatives on Modern Day Slavery require toy brands and retailers to make efforts to ensure their supply chains are free from all forms of Modern Day Slavery, including forced labor, slavery, and human trafficking. Foreign migrant workers are one of the most vulnerable groups in the supply chain and face particular Modern Day Slavery risks during recruitment and employment at factories.The Ethical Toy Program will, therefore, begin to collect additional information on foreign migrant workers employed at all factories in our program.This data will help us better understand the composition of the workforce in the global toy industry. It will also help us to deliver capacity building programs to help factories mitigate Modern Day Slavery risks in their workforce and respond to the needs of their customersFrom 5th January 2018, the Ethical Toy Program will add a new form (click to view the form) to collect statistics about foreign migrant workers during all upcoming audits.What do I need to do?From 5th January 2018, accredited audit firms will ask you to fill this data collection form (click to view the form) for your next audit.Please notify your Human Resource Department to prepare accurate information on your workforce composition.Factories should then submit this form to the accredited auditor(s) during the on-site audit. Should you have any questions, please contact our Factory Helpdesk at (+852) 2111-2462 or via info@ethicaltoyprogram.org