IETP 获邀在UK Sustainable Investment Association London Conference发言

ICTI 玩具业责任规范 (IETP) 将与Vigeo Eiris、Liontrust Asset Management PLC和其他可持续投资 (SRI) 专家在UK Sustainable Investment Association London Conference上交流彼此对负社会责任的供应链之看法

ICTI 玩具业责任规范 (IETP) 将与Vigeo Eiris、Liontrust Asset Management PLC和其他可持续投资 (SRI) 专家在UK Sustainable Investment Association London Conference上交流彼此对负社会责任的供应链之看法会议将以英语进行,详情如下:The UK Sustainable Investment Association London Conference will bring together leaders in Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) to jointly explore investment trends, opportunities, and challenges and discuss ways ESG factors can be integrated into investment analysis and valuation.This year, the conference will be hosted virtually with sessions covering two days. All UKSIF members attend for free and have the chance to engage with material investment issues and network with their SRI/ESG expert peers.The conference will cover The Big Picture: ESG in 2020 and Sectoral Dynamics with the following sessions:Plastics - Key investment themes to end plastic pollutionFast Fashion –The supply chains & their social responsibilityFinancing the just transitionA roadmap to Build Back BetterJET-zero – Can aviation ever be sustainable?Pensions steer towards net-zeroThe future of Biogas: Anaerobic Digestion & NetZeroBig Pharma – Access to medicines and affordabilityPlease check the agenda for detials. UKSIF members please register for the conference Day 1 here and for Day 2 here. For non-UKSIF members, please register here.