Toy Manufacturer - There are Always More Solutions than Difficulties

BackgroundGolden Cup is a printing factory located in China’s manufacturing heartland Dongguan, Guangdong Province. Since 2017, the factory has been running a Family Friendly Space to accommodate the children of workers during the summer holidays – an initiative the factory embraced after realizing that a significant number of their workers were migrant parents in need of a childcare service during the summer months.In the first year of the program, since Golden Cup is a member of the IETP program, it received support and training from IETP and its implementation partner CCRCSR to open and operate the space. As the factory had gained the expertise to run the space, in their second year, IETP provided gift sponsorship for the children and any necessary help to support Golden Cup if needed. Even during the tumultuous year of COVID-19, Golden Cup continued to run the center, providing relief to parents while giving children the chance to spend more time with their parents in a fun environment. We were curious to find out their motivations for investing in the space and running it long-term, and what impacts it has had on their business.In this interview, we talk to Daisy Dai, program supervisor at Golden Cup Please click "+" next to the question to view the answer, or download the pdf here. How can you support the program?Contact us via if you want to learn how the program works, the benefits it delivers, how can it incorporate into your CSR strategy, etc. To learn more about Golden Cup please visit: